Did Renders from 6 angles on my Metroid Project... Now I just have to do some paintovers.

General / 19 May 2020

Some Hair Paintover work (the image is still a work in progress).  Been noodling with this hair portion too long now so gonna move on to other parts.

Closeup Hair:

Starting to render and composite some shots from my Metroid Fan Art

General / 08 May 2020

Its still very early and a work in progress but its nice to finally see it all coming together...

Quick sketch inspired by the latest "Joker" film.

General / 02 May 2020

About 90% done with the wolf concept

General / 24 April 2020

Need to do a bunch of polish work on this guy yet, make a background/ gradients and just clean it up a bit.  But getting close to finishing this quick one.


Wolf Sketch to mix it up a bit...

General / 19 April 2020

Did this quick sketch a couple of days ago (bottom image) and tonight took some time to make high res line art.  I go pretty heavy with my line thickness I guess, but I just like the tapering you can achieve when you do this and how you can convey a lot of 3d shape with line breaks and subtle turns.  A major difference you might notice between the initial sketch and the line art here is his right leg and the chain.  I struggled trying to figure that out and ended up just sculpting a quick leg in zbrush cause I wanted a 3d chain anyway (too hard for me to draw a chain in perspective without help of 3d XD)  Anyway,  I'll color him up next. :)


Plugging in the rest of the materials for Samus

General / 13 April 2020

Getting the materials mostly wrapped up.  Here is what she looks like with helmet on...

Next up add a few more pops with techy glows (very small subtle ones) and then some decals then onto final renders with background and so fourth.  These are very basic renders btw, when I create proper renders I'll composite various passes which will help a lot.

Did some work on Samus's battle damage facial texture.

General / 09 April 2020

This is probably as far as I'll take the textures for the most part.  The rest of it will be  procedural since the whole exercise is concept art. I realize I'm getting a little carried away with 3d on this. lol.  Top working file in substance (which is why its missing lots of geo like the eyebrows and eyelashes), and bottom two are integrated into keyshot.

The story behind this is Samus took a plasma blast to the face while killing some creature, lost her helmet, (it'll be on the ground) but she got to the prize which is that techy ball thing that gives her a new ability.  I might have mentioned it somewhere but I'll likely do a render of her with helmet too just for the hell of it and to show what that might look like (more classic look but the helmet will clearly be damaged).

Next up I'm gonna add some smaller glowy's and decals as shown in the paintover from last post.

Blocking in some basic Lighting and Materials:

General / 01 April 2020

Started getting some basic materials and lighting in keyshot.  Here's where I'm at, this is just a simple lowres screen grab...   Still needs so many more glowys! :D


  Posted an image of a paintover I just did now.  Thinking about where I'll put more glows and decals and stuff.  Maybe overboard now. haha!

Disney Speed Sculpt:

General / 29 March 2020

Showed my daughter digital sculpting today (she's 4 and a half) and we made this together starting with a sphere in a little over an hour.  I need to record a speed sculpt at some point...  We watched the jungle book today and this is the girl at the end (my daughters pick. 😁)

Finally Getting Back to The Metroid Project...

General / 27 March 2020

Made a little environment and posed the sculpt.  Now is the fun part, dropping materials and lighting and make this look a lot more interesting in keyshot with a proper render.