Stylized Female Fighter

General / 20 August 2020

This is something I started around Christmas time.  I wanted to create a base female mesh at first, then I saw this really great concept by Felipe Kimio: and thought it would be cool to go ahead and just make that.  So the plan is to make that concept art in 3d and then sell the base mesh for a couple of bucks to those that are interested.  The base mesh is done for the most part now.  It is polypainted, has nice uvs, subdivision levels, polygroups... all the things you would want when working with a base mesh.  

So at this point Im just gonna make the rest of her gear and pose her.  The hair is still blockout and I haven't done much in terms of polish to her clothes.  Anyway, here's where I am at now with this...

Finished my Cartoon Robot dude...

General / 12 August 2020

Just putting together some npr renders from zbrush, then I'll post it up on my portfolio.  Everything done 100 percent in zbrush minus some very simple compositing in photoshop at the end for this first image.  The second image is a clay render in keyshot to get an idea what a print might look like.  Last image is just showing the progression. 

Built a mini environment for this robot

General / 20 July 2020

Just putting it all together and wrapping this up.  Next update I'll have the sculpted finished.  Still want to sculpt some smoke stacks, add some wires and clips and subtle scrapes and stuff like that to the body and legs like I have done on the arms.  Also need to sculpt the cloth in the back.

Wrapping Up the cartoon robot here before I get too deep in anything new...

General / 07 July 2020

Got most of the medium level shapes in on the sculpt for this guy, now just need to continue with the details.  I hit most of the level of detail Im going for on the arms so far.  The bottom image is just a reminder of one of my first passes, its been a while since Ive worked on this since I was wrapping up the Metroid project.  Oh and this is just a quick zbrush bpr render... nothing fancy.

Wrapping up this Blender tutorial by CG Boost

General / 30 June 2020

Been following this really great (free) tutorial by cg boost: 

Been meaning to learn blender and finally did it!  What an amazing program it is, I'm super impressed!

This isn't something I would normally show, but since its just my blog here and this is all sorta random crap I'm working on here you go! :D

If you checkout the tutorial you can tell I strayed from it a decent amount but followed thru and learned all the major things.

Here are the results of my real time render in Blender with Eevee:

Cycles Render:

New Project! Stylized Knight in Blender...

General / 25 June 2020

So I've been learning Blender this past week +, as I'm tired of dealing with Maya and how expensive that program is.  Super impressed with Blender and really happy I finally bit the bullet to learn it.

Been following a free tutorial online and already feel like I have a better grasp of Blender then programs like Maya that I've used for years professionally.

Anyway there are lots of really cool features in Blender and one thing that's really been blowing me away is how intuitive/user friendly and POWERFUL the grease pencil is.

I found this artists work and got really inspired to make something similar but instead with a character:

So I had an idea in my head and then I saw a concept artist post his work this am that pretty much was exactly what I was imagining, minus a few things that I could easily adjust.

So I did a quick photo bash/ paintover on it and I'm really pleased with how it looks now.  So as you can see, he's gonna be fully rendered out first, but then I can use some tricks I learned where I can non-destructively hide parts of the mesh with vertex paint and then grease pencil on top of that to create the effect seen below.  That will be the target anyway...   Gotta wrap up the Blender tutorial series this week, but hope to start working on a sculpt for this project very soon!!!

Concept Without the stylization added.  I will make both versions in the end.


Finally wrapped up the Metroid Project

General / 16 June 2020

Here is a final image from the back, and a link to the portfolio page that has everything  tweaked and finalized: 



Finishing one more image and calling this project done...

General / 09 June 2020

This is the second from the last image I recently wrapped up (there are 6 total angles not counting the various crops). I feel like this has been a great learning experience and getting ready for the next project!

Oh yea, and I made a video tutorial and put it up for sale here on artstation.  Its covers the exact process for painting the hair: 

Some Closeups of the helmet (Metroid Fan Art Project)

General / 31 May 2020

Got a couple more renders to polish up, here is the latest one I wrapped up.

Wrapped up this render/paintover of my Metroid Fan Art.

General / 26 May 2020

Ended up painting the hair 3 times until I was sorta satisfied.. XD  Its all good, a great learning experience for me.