Polish work on the robot...

General / 12 March 2020

Working my way around with more refinement.  Mostly his right arm now, then ill move across the torso to the left arm.  Also concept/sculpted out the back.  I had no reference there so I just made some stuff up based on the vibe of the front.

Little More refinement On the Cartoon Robot Sculpt:

General / 27 February 2020

Blocking out a Stylized Robot:

General / 25 February 2020

Started blocking out this stylized robot based on the concept shown by the very talented Jesse Carpenter:  https://www.artstation.com/jessecarpenter 

Here is the concept by Jesse: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/ZGO60 

Here's the beginning blockout sculpt in zbrush: 

Just getting some basic shapes in there to use as landmarks for refinement.  I generally really enjoy this stage.  I keep things as low poly as possible and I'm not afraid to get a little loose and dirty with it and clean it up later.  I feel like the more you do that, the more interesting the shapes become.

Final Juggernaut Stylized Painting:

General / 19 February 2020

Here is the final version...  Gonna do a little breakdown for process and show the variations once I post this on my portfolio here on Artstation.

Wrapped up a couple of the stylized versions of Juggernaut...

General / 15 February 2020

This is the current version I'm still working on, (First image below) and below that are the two final versions of those styles.  


Heavy Stylized Version of Juggernaut:

General / 13 February 2020

A more Mielgo Style (Spider-Verse)...

Ultra Stylized Juggernaut:

General / 12 February 2020

I'm working on a few final stylized version.  Here is the most extreme one...

Juggernaut Color/lighting Block-in

General / 07 February 2020

Blocked in the color and lighting for this guy.  Still need to detail some, add a stylization pass, polish, then a bit of presentation love with the background and shadows.  Getting close now tho.

Lunch Time Juggernaut Drawing:

General / 30 January 2020

Wrapped up the shading pass for this juggernaut fan art drawing minus some value tweaks I need to do here and there...

Final Samus Sculpt:

General / 28 January 2020

Here are just simple screen grabs of my samus sculpt from zbrush.  This is as far as I'll take it, now its time for keyshot and rendering, then paintover. :)