So I've been learning Blender this past week +, as I'm tired of dealing with Maya and how expensive that program is. Super impressed with Blender and really happy I finally bit the bullet to learn it.
Been following a free tutorial online and already feel like I have a better grasp of Blender then programs like Maya that I've used for years professionally.
Anyway there are lots of really cool features in Blender and one thing that's really been blowing me away is how intuitive/user friendly and POWERFUL the grease pencil is.
I found this artists work and got really inspired to make something similar but instead with a character:
So I had an idea in my head and then I saw a concept artist post his work this am that pretty much was exactly what I was imagining, minus a few things that I could easily adjust.
So I did a quick photo bash/ paintover on it and I'm really pleased with how it looks now. So as you can see, he's gonna be fully rendered out first, but then I can use some tricks I learned where I can non-destructively hide parts of the mesh with vertex paint and then grease pencil on top of that to create the effect seen below. That will be the target anyway... Gotta wrap up the Blender tutorial series this week, but hope to start working on a sculpt for this project very soon!!!
Concept Without the stylization added. I will make both versions in the end.