iPad Painting Dump (procreate)

General / 20 June 2024

Bunch of paintings I’ve done in the last couple months.  Mostly on the new iPad M4.  The paintings not done on the latest iPad were all done on gen. 2 iPad Pro.  All procreate paintings.  Most of these are Dune 2 inspired, there is the young African American boy that is based closely off Meybis Ruiz Cruz’s work, and a couple of insta gram (ref shown) painting studies (sorry I don’t know by who).  My buddies Doberman Pinscher there as well.  First one is another insta gram painting study (but the original was done with traditional painting).  I tried to simulate that in Procreate with some cool brushes.  These are all loose studies really, I got a little too details on some and def. Not super happy with all of them, but I learned a lot and that is the point really with these.