Here is another attempt at an oil painting style portrait, this time of Game Of Thrones Character Missandei. This was done on my trip back, on the plane flying from Finland to SF Bay area where I live. Been researching/studying up more on real portrait oil painting, trying to wrap my head around it so I can simulate it better with digital and get better at this. I think this is a step in the right direction over my first attempt at least. I'm planning on continuing to do more of these GOT characters, but I think the next one I'll do will be a master copy of John Singer Sargent, as I think more can be learned doing master copies at this stage. Oh and again, I intentionally diverted a bit from the photo here and there. I tried to make her face pop more by adding more light to it and more shadow on the outside parts. The second image shows the painting with the ref there (How I worked while painting this). Also played with saturation and color mixing of course. Hope you like it, thanks for looking!