Unreal 5: Blade Runner 2049: Ryan Gosling WIP

General / 13 October 2022

Decided to post up on the Blog one more time for my own records before I finish this off.  It sorta helps me to find areas to improve by doing this.  Right now my to do list is getting pretty reasonable.  I want to re-texture the gun entirely and add blood sweat/dirt to everything similar to how Ryan looked like in the movie. I need to add those tiny facial hairs that go everywhere. Lastly I need to do some general polish and material tweaks.  But everything is in place finally in Unreal 5 which is a relief because its my first time doing this.  I love how performant Unreal is, its pretty crazy... I have a beefy machine but its almost like its not even rendering anything with how fast this runs and its doing real time raytracing and stuff with complex hair systems.  This will def. be my main workflow moving forward.  These are all just "high resolution screenshots" btw.  I had a hell of a time figuring out how to get offline renders to work, but I finally managed to do it with the help of console commands.  There is a really great tutorial on it incase anyone is interested I can link.  Anyway, last time posting wip on this... I know I've said it a million times now but this time I'm determined. ;)  haha.  Its time to call this quits finally.  Thanks to anyone that's been following along here, its been a long journey.  Next post is beauty renders and stuff with final textures etc. on the old portfolio.  cheers!