Any Green Mile Fans out there? In March I started a very awesome course on sculpting and rendering likeness with Marmoset Toolbag 4, over at So first off, big thanks to the instructors Marlon Nunez and Fareed Nagy for helping me numerous times with really great feedback during this process. If you're experienced or just starting out, I definitely recommend this course. The course was focused on just creating a bust, but I really wanted to capture the personality of Michael Clark Duncan in the Green Mile, so I felt I needed to make the full body to achieve this. Also, while I've done likeness sculpts and renders before, I have never attempted to create something with this level of detail nor precision so its been a great learning experience for me. One of the challenges for me was trying to capture the actors face without using an extreme expression as he is in agony throughout much of the movie. Anyway, I hope you like this monument to an amazing movie and actor.
Rendered in Marmoset toolbag 4, sculpted in zbrush, textured in photoshop and substance painter. I used a hybrid approach of detailing with texture xyz, 3d scan store transfer/baking, and hand sculpting/painting. Feel free to ask if you have any questions, thanks for looking!
P.S. If you are interested in knowing more about the texture process for this character I wrote a detailed tutorial in my blog here:
Head Turntable in Marmoset Toolbag 4.
Turntable: Long version
Real-Time Demo In Marmoset Toolbag 4