This is my entry for the latest Supercell art competition. Its was a fun challenge to make something from the ground up a little outside of my normal style. Its supposed to be a character that could fit in Supercells game "Brawlstars". The requirement was to make a new character that would fit in their world using "fairy land" as the theme. So of course I took it quite literally and made a fairy in a bottle controlling a sorta steam punk dreadnaught. lol. I named her "Miss Nynx" :)
Mostly I wanted to play with different materials and shapes while maintaining the theme. The Dome I painted closely resembles some environment art I found online for Brawlstars and I sorta mixed 3d with 2d that way to build a little world for this guy. Most of this is simply sculpted geo polypainted in zbrush, then decimated. So no uvs on anything except the Dome, the rock pillar his vest, and the cactus. Almost all of it has been decimated for performance and speed since there was no poly budget here. Majority of the work done in zbrush and marmoset, with a little bit of painting in substance painter and photoshop for the background stuff. Hope you like it!
Marmoset Real-Time Demo
Marmoset Viewer